Monday, September 20, 2010

SImple activities

Everyone knows each other by now, of course, but you can still use these games in class to get them speaking and using English.
Happy deciocho!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tongue Twisters

Hey guys,
Found a decent resource for various Tongue Twisters. I have used them as closing activities (like warm ups but at the end) and have got really good responses from my students. Hope it proves useful for you all:)


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


OK, modeled on the drinking game. Sit in a circle, count up to 21. The 21st gets to make up a rule, like saying Buzz on the primes, swap seats every fifth number, reverse counting, etc. Mistakes are penalised. First I penalised with points (the person with the least points wins), but then used a forfeit. Anybody who made a mistake had to either dance for ten seconds, sing for ten seconds, or talk English for ten. Fun times were had, and a compromising video of the teacher dancing was recorded, so I'm going to call that lesson a success.